
Web Design : 7 Proven Elements for a User-friendly design

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All you Need to Know About Creating a User-friendly Web Design

In creating a website, web design goes beyond trying to tick the aesthetics box; a user friendly website enhances brand perception, encourages longer visits, and ultimately drives conversions.
Amongst the tons of thoughts that goes through our head while creating a website, these are the seven key elements that contribute to creating a user-friendly web design (website), ensuring that visitors not only stay but also have a memorable and pleasant experience.

  • Loading Speed – Optimize Your Page Speed

Imagine landing on a website only to be welcomed by a loading spinner that seems to go on forever. How frustrating!

Slow loading speed is a one of the quickest ways to turn users away. When the visitors or user waits more 3 seconds for a page to load, they immediately lose interest, your website has tampered with their interest already with the slow loading speed.

To ensure a user-friendly experience, optimize your website’s loading speed, compress images, use browser caching, and minimize unnecessary scripts to create a swift browsing experience that keeps users engaged.

  • Intuitive Navigation – Guiding Users Seamlessly

Have you ever visited a website and found yourself lost in the midst of confusing menus and links? Intuitive navigation is essential for creating a user-friendly website. Do not overhype the intelligence of your user in navigating through the website, keep it comprehensive enough. Design your site’s navigation in a way that makes it easy for users to find what they’re looking for. Use clear headings, organized menus and a logical flow, they all contribute to a comprehensive browsing experience.

  • Visually Appealing Web Designs – Balancing Form and Function

Visual appeal plays a significant role in user engagement, this is the aesthetics.
Let your website radiate beauty, from the colors to the fonts, to the high-quality images and videos that resonate with your brand’s identity and message. Your website design should enhance user experience, not hinder it. Avoid clutter and prioritize readability to create a visually appealing yet functional design.

  •  Accessible Language and Tone – Prioritizing Clarity and Simplicity for web deisgn

Website design is not a chance to display heavy grammar and vocabulary.
When crafting content for your website, keep your audience in mind, do not overhype their literacy. Use accessible language that resonates with your visitors, avoid jargon and complex words that might confuse users.
For instance, why say “discombobulated” when you can just say “confused”?
Prioritize clarity and simplicity in your content to ensure that users can quickly grasp the information you’re providing and remember, user-friendly website speaks the language of its users.

  •  Easy-to-Read Fonts – Choosing Clarity Over Drama

Fonts size and style play a crucial role in enhancing the readability of your website’s content. While dramatic fonts might seem appealing, they can often strain the eyes and deter users from reading. Do not make visiting your website a reason to visit the optician.
Opt for easy-to-read fonts that maintain clarity even on various screen sizes.
Also, consistency in font choice and size throughout the website creates a cohesive and user-friendly browsing experience.

  •  Providing In-Depth Information – Catering to User Needs

Users appreciate websites that offer comprehensive information. Whether it’s product details, service descriptions, or informative articles, providing in-depth content showcases your expertise and caters to user needs. A user-friendly website doesn’t leave visitors searching for information elsewhere; it provides everything they need to make informed decisions right at their fingertips.

  •  Attractive and Compelling Call to Action – Guiding User Interaction

A user-friendly website  (web design) encourages user interaction and conversion. An attractive and compelling call to action (CTA) prompts users to take the desired actions, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, following your social media platform, making a purchase, or contacting your team. Make your CTAs stand out by using contrasting colors, clear wording, and strategic placement. Let your CTA guide users toward the next steps you want them to take.
To emphasize on a website design that meets up with these elements, go through our website to get the perfect idea. Instamall does not only have an outstanding website design but also creates the perfect website design to give your brand a positive perception.


Designing a user-friendly website is a multifaceted endeavor By focusing on these seven key elements—loading speed, intuitive navigation, visually appealing designs, accessible language and tone, easy-to-read fonts, in-depth information, and compelling CTAs—you can create a website that not only captivates users but also fosters positive brand perception and drives conversions.
Remember, the ultimate goal is to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for your visitors. Regularly gather user feedback, analyze website analytics, and adapt your design to evolving user needs.

Need to create a User friendly website? Send us a message now.

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